PROGRAMUL OPERAȚIONAL CAPITAL UMAN Axă prioritară: 3. Locuri de muncă pentru toţi. Obiectiv tematic: 8. Promovarea unorlocuri de muncă durabile și de calitate și sprijinirea mobilității lucrătorilor. Prioritate de investiții: 8.iii.Activități independente, antreprenoriat și înființare de întreprinderi, inclusiv a unor microîntreprinderi și a unor întreprinderi mici și mijlocii inovatoare. Obiectiv specific: 3.7. Creșterea ocupării prin susținerea întreprinderilor cu profil nonagricol din zona urbană.
Tourists who wish to take a discovery tour through the town and its surroundings can do it in the traditional way: sitting in the back of a horse-drawn wagonette. Embark on a scenic tour on the avenues of Borsec and the winding roads under the fir trees, where the trot of the horses’ feet brings an air of romance to every ride. The waterproof cover provides protection from the rain and sun.
The lessons take place in the special facility near the forest, where the beginners will get introduced to
the horse, learn how to groom and harness it, followed by being lunged in a circle, allowing the riders to
learn the correct riding position, to find and maintain balance before learning to control the horse
themselves. For maximum safety, each of these activities is supervised by an instructor.
We provide full equipment, including safety gear (helmet and safety vest).
Advanced riders can enjoy active rest in the training facility near the forest, where they can
improve their competence by riding individually. The activities take place in the presence of an
instructor, ready to lend a helping hand if need be.
We provide full equipment, including safety gear (helmet and safety vest).
Children have a need both for outdoor physical activity and for befriending animals - horseback riding in
a natural space provides both. Moreover, grooming, feeding, caring for a horse helps build up an
amazing relationship with that animal, which is a must when working with an equine partner.
We provide full equipment, including safety gear (helmet and safety vest).
Horses are unique educators, contributing to both physical and mental health. The rhytmical motion of a
horse has therapeutic effects as it is taken over by the rider, thus helping him or her to improve balance,
flexibility, coordination, strenghtening the muscles of the whole body. On the other hand, the strong
emotional connection with the horse helps its rider overcome certain fears, acquire social skills, develop
self-confidence and enjoy the outdoors.
We provide full equipment, including safety gear (helmet and safety vest).
For those eager to be part of an idyllic winter experience, we offer a sleighride on the Lovers’ Lane and around the Fairy Garden. Listening to the glide in the snow and the sleighbells, snuggled under warm blankets, a sleigh ride is certainly one of the main attractions of the cold season.